We have jobs, Join the team! 💼- Phixel

We have jobs, Join the team! 💼
We are always looking for talented and awesome people to work with us. and do some cool job.
We are always looking for talented and awesome people to work with us. and do some cool job.
We are always looking for talented and awesome people to work with us. and do some cool job.
Cover - Jobs

On Phixel

Follow phixel

Phixel is a digital design and development agency with a strong online presence on platforms such as CodePen, Dribbble, Facebook, GitHub, Behance, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, Twitter, Vimeo, WhatsApp, YouTube or LinkTree. By following their work and connecting with them on these platforms, you can stay up-to-date with their latest projects and developments in the digital design and development industry.

#webdesigners #clients #ui #ux #videoeditors #webdevelopers #animation #webdesignstudio #design #workhard #designer #phixel #love #gui #animation #illustration #remotework #studio #motiongraphics #workfromanywhere #worksmart #3d #respet #phixelstudio

We are always looking for talented and awesome people to work with us. and do some cool job.

#job, #phixel, #designers, #design, #developers, #studio, #webdesign, #webdesigners, #webdesignstudio, #webdevelopment, #digitalartist, #digitalart, #designer, #digital, #studio, #agency, #html, #css, #javascript, #solutions, #php, #apps, #pixel, #fix, #phoenix, #fenix, #photoshop, #uiux, #webdesigner, #frontend, #webdevelopment, #websites, #websites, #remotework

🤓 🌎 📈 🎨 🌟 🔥 💻

blog, websites, phixel, php, phoenix, fenix, pixel, fix, designers, design, developers, studio, web design, web designers, web design studio, web development, digital artist, digital art, designer, digital, studio, agency, html, css, javascript, solutions, php, apps, pixel, fix, phoenix, fenix, photoshop, uiux, web designer, frontend, web development, websites, websites, remote work

PHP + Phoenix + Pixel + Fix + X + Φ  = Phixel

Blog, We have jobs, Join the team! 💼



Are you talented and Awesome?

We are always looking for awesome and talented people to work with us

These are the jobs we have available for you!

Video Editor

Video Editor 🎬

We are looking for a talented Video Editor to assemble recorded footage into a finished project that matches our vision and is suitable for broadcasting.

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3D Animator

3D Animator 🛸

We are looking for a 3D Animator to join our team and assist us with designing and developing video games, interactive content and motion videos for our customers. 

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#phixel #withlove #webdesigners #clients #ui #ux #videoeditors #webdevelopers #animation #webdesignstudio #design #workhard #designer #phixel #love #gui #animation #illustration #remotework #studio #motiongraphics #workfromanywhere #worksmart #3d #respet #phixelstudio #foryou #creativestudio

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